Ok, sorry for the hiatus in posting, Christmas and New Year were far too busy and it's taken me a while to enthuse myself into going all the way upstairs to use the computer. Not a lot of running done over Xmas, but here is a summary...
It started off cold, as this early morning run shows, was about -8 at the time:

During the first week lazyitus had a hold of me. Did get out on Christmas Eve though, a spectacular day:

Then no running until two days after Boxing Day, up in Kirkby Stephen. Went up Nine Standards:

Then just before heading back to work, Alex and I went on a walk to Mermaids pool, just under the downfall:

Ok, that's a bit gory but it would seem a bird of prey had left this largish bird on top of a rock after eating it. Thought maybe it was a grouse but it had grey feathers. Whatever it was it must have been tasty as there wasn't much left...