Monday, 24 January 2011


Stunning sunset during my friday post work run up South Head. Sat at the top for about fifteen minutes, not a breath of wind - was certainly a relaxing way to end the week.

Eccles Pike, sun and contrails.

Sun setting over Chinley Churn.

Contrails, incredible saturation of colour, looked fake!

Looking over Mount Famine towards Manchester.
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Run on Thursday night was beautiful, frosty and clear once you got above the layer of mist in the valleys. Difficult to capture in a photo without a tripod and patience though! Were we treated to a great moonrise during the run too.


Chapel and Chinley in the mist, with UFO's above

Hayfield, with the winter hill transmitter in the distance.

Strange fellrunning ghost.. or Roy?

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Sunday, 16 January 2011

Wet wet wet

Out on the mountain bike for the first time this year today, it was wet. Did a nice figure of eight to Hayfield and back via the pennine bridleway.

Hayfield looking awesome in the rain.

Water going the wrong way through a drain.

Big puddles, I tried to cycle through them but got stuck half way on both leading to shin deep wading.

Inscription above one of the windows of Beet Farm, a strange abandoned farm, which gives me the heeby jeebys when i run past it in the dark.
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Stoodley Pike

Went for a walk up Stoodley Pike on Saturday for the much awaited new years cobweb blowing hike. It of course was very wet and windy, although not too cold.

Andy utilising the map to guide us effectively to our destination.

Alan recording an image of the pike with his telemaphonic camera.

We got up onto the "balcony" on the pike, which was fun and very windy.

Everyone takes photos, except for Andy, who appears to be pondering something, perhaps "why am i here rather than in a pub?"

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Sunday, 9 January 2011

I'm baaaack

Ok, sorry for the hiatus in posting, Christmas and New Year were far too busy and it's taken me a while to enthuse myself into going all the way upstairs to use the computer. Not a lot of running done over Xmas, but here is a summary...

It started off cold, as this early morning run shows, was about -8 at the time:

During the first week lazyitus had a hold of me. Did get out on Christmas Eve though, a spectacular day:

Then no running until two days after Boxing Day, up in Kirkby Stephen. Went up Nine Standards:

Then just before heading back to work, Alex and I went on a walk to Mermaids pool, just under the downfall:

Ok, that's a bit gory but it would seem a bird of prey had left this largish bird on top of a rock after eating it. Thought maybe it was a grouse but it had grey feathers. Whatever it was it must have been tasty as there wasn't much left...