Friday, 26 August 2011


Ran around the downfall last night with Steve, everything has gone purple up on the moor.
Purple heather.

More purple heather (aided by a bit of over-saturation)

Running down to the top of William Clough.

A stunning evening run...

Monday, 22 August 2011

Hill...and repeat

Tried to do some hill repeats tonight on Chinley Churn, my intended slope had a large bull plus lady cows and their calves, so i thought it would be unwise to hang around there. Instead I went up to the old quarries and ran up and down the old spoil heaps a few times.
Eccles Pike, scene of Alex's first fell race last Wednesday.

The edge, supposed to be some climbing here but can't imagine its that good, unless you like 30 tonne blocks of gritstone falling on your head.

Looking east at my more usual running haunts.

Nice weather today, meant to rain tomorrow though (of course).

Friday night fun

Nice 1 hour run on Friday night, plus managed to watch a star trek with a big evil puddle of black goo that had anger management issues. Excellent.
This rainbow was from the lightest of light showers.

Naughty camera over saturated this shot, although i suppose its quite nice and velvia-ish.

Sun trying to get through but it was pretty gloomy as it has been the rest of the month, still can't complain when you have views like this!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Grizedale MTB

On the Sunday after the wedding we hired bikes in Grizedale forest so that we could rad it up to the max on the red North Face Trail..

Singletrack GNAR!

Coniston old Man EXTREME!

Boardwalk TERROR!

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Gummers How

After the wedding last Friday we stayed for an extra night in the lakes for a mini holiday. On Saturday we were a little too tired to do much but did manage a nice walk up Gummers How (all of a mile from the car park).

Moo cows.

Langdale Pikes in the distance.

Nice purple heather.

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