Saturday, 24 September 2011


Another nice evening on Kinder, was almost dark when we finished, it's also almost dark when I leave in the morning. Should I buy more bike lights? I think I should.
The downfall.

Looking west towards Manchester (not that you can see it)

A few minutes of bright sun lit up the hidden valley as we ran through it, very nice.

River Kinder (i think)
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Amazing sunset on Wednesday, took some photo's of it from the attic window. Kind of wish I was on top of a hill at the time though!

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Sunday, 18 September 2011


Ran on thursday, definately the nicest evening of the mostly miserable week.
The last bit of up to Shelf Moor.

Brilliant wild running for a thursday evening.

I had to crop this because I stuck my finger in front of the lens, which I seem to do a lot. I blame the camera.

Back down towards Glossop.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Summer's back?

Perhaps summer isn't quite over yet...
Looking towards Sandy Heys.

Kinder reservoir.

William Clough.

More reservoir.. hope i haven't jinxed the nice weather by commenting on it.