So it turns out there wasn't much more to do on the mtb, had a frenzy of activity over the weekend and totally failed to take any photo's. But to sum up I bought a load more bits and put them on. Luckily i have managed to keep the whole drive-train from the old bike so some money saved there. Took it out for a very short ride on Saturday and the crank fell off in front of one of the ladies that serves in the local pub and her chap. That was a bit embarrassing. Turned out I'd put it on wrong, no bother tho it is now attached correctly.
I was waiting for some front derailleur bits, which arrived on monday. So I got them put on and took it out for a short loop this evening.
I was waiting for some front derailleur bits, which arrived on monday. So I got them put on and took it out for a short loop this evening.
New new new, i really like the front suspension which has a lot more travel so ignores rocks better.