Tuesday, 28 September 2010


Eventful run this evening, started off with pulling some kind of muscle in my back simply by running along.

Then we managed to negotiate our way through the above field without casualties. Only for a raging fercious bull in the next field, driven insane from being removed from the lady cows; to charge at us (well run a bit in our direction saying MOO). Fortunately his fell running skills were poor so we were able to escape, leaving him mooing in the distance behind us.

After all that excitement we ran up over Kinder in the mist (this is Kinder Low looking amazing).

The resevoir and mermaids pool from around Red Brook. No bulls up here THANK GOD.
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1 comment:

  1. ... yes - it was touch and go with the cattle. I'm a very nervous runner when sharing a field with several tons of rather stupid [but ultimately very tasty] creatures ... do you think they act more aggressive when they read the signs indicating that they may behave so - almost as if they've got an excuse to career around frightening tough outdoorsy types... ? I needed a couple of beers to calm my nerves after being mooed at!

